You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Creating a New Service Job or Quote

Creating a New Service Job or Quote

Use this procedure to log a new service (do-and-charge) job, a field service job or a quote. (For more information about field service jobs, refer to "Introduction to Micronet Job Costing").

When you create a quote, you can post labour and materials and store all the normal job header information against the quote while not actually posting any Work in Progress. The material assigned to the quote remains in stock until the quote is recalled and converted to an active job. When the quote is converted to a job, Micronet automatically transfers any materials assigned to the quote and activates any labour postings that have been assigned to the quote. If a quote is converted to an estimate, it cannot be reversed back to a quote – see "Recalling a Service Estimate".


Technical Tip

Before you can create a new service job, you must have set up a job department for normal jobs in the Department master file. Before you can create a quote, you must have set up a department for quotes in the Department master file – see "File - Department".




To duplicate a quote that already exists, see the next topic, "Duplicating an Existing Quote".

To log a new job or quote:


Micronet displays the Job Information screen.

  1. Enter the job header details.

For information about using this screen, refer to "Maintaining the Service Job Header".